Terms of Reference Context Analysis, Mappings and Journalistic Portraits Revised 3.9.2020
Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a serious health challenge and the leading cause of preventable blindness. Carrot Aid assist farmers in rural Ethiopia to grow self-seeding carrots as a source of vitamin A and plans to distribute new varieties of vitamin-A rich carrots and farming manuals to selected farmers in the Amhara region. This pilot project aims to reach four villages and it is thus suggested to develop a national context analysis and mapping of local villages to update Carrot Aid’s on the consequences of Vitamin A deficiency for people’s health, education, employment and social wellbeing. The national context analysis and village mapping is expected to guide Carrot Aid’s future strategy. Carrot Aid also need short journalistic portraits of potential beneficiaries, which can be used for printed and electronic media and towards donors.
- Context analysis
Introduction to the task: The context analysis will provide an updated overview and analysis of agricultural production, Vitamin A deficiency and blindness in Ethiopia with specific focus on Amhara Region. The analysis will be based on the latest available statistical data from the Central Statistical Agency, Agricultural Colleges and research institutions, donors etc. Accurate and reliable statistics in Ethiopia is a serious constraint. An updated national population census has been delayed due to COVID19 and existing data will thus be supplemented with in-depth interviews with key stakeholders. The consultant will develop an overview of Addis Ababa based stakeholders and a detailed outline of the context analysis, which will be shared for comments and approval. DanChurchAid and the Ethiopian National Association of the Blind (ENAB) will be consulted.
Deliverable: The consultant will deliver a context analysis (approx. 10 pages) in English, providing an updated context analysis of Vitamin A deficiency and blindness. The consultant is expected to spend 5 days on this assignment (including interviews). Timeline: First draft of the context analysis will be ready by November 2020. Final version and sign off is expected in December 2020.
- Village mappings
Introduction to the task: Qualitative Interviews and quantitative mappings in 4 villages in the Woreilu, Ambasel and Dehana woredas located in the Amhara Region. Amhara is the second most populous region in Ethiopia with woredas of more than 100.000 people. The selection of villages will be done in collaboration with DanChurchAid and the Ethiopian National Association of the Blind (ENAB) with focus on the availability of local DCA partners, ENAB members, woreda staff, health posts, Development Agents (DAs) at woreda offices, community-based organizations etc. The consultant will also look for previous mappings of the woredas e.g. from Jerusalem Children and Community Development Organization (JeCCDO), PLAN and Save the Children to support the selection. An interview guide will be developed jointly with the board of CarrotAid and shared with local stakeholders for further input. We aim for10 interview persons in each village and thus 40 interviews in total. The consultant will be responsible for organizing the logistics during the field visits incl. interpretation – taking the current Ethiopian COVID-19 restrictions into consideration.
Deliverables: Mappings of four villages based in the Woreilu, Ambasel and Dehana woredas. The consultant is expected to spend 12 days on this assignment, including consultations with DCA / ENAB, preparations and travelling. Timeline: Field visits will ideally be manged in November / December 2020 and first draft of mappings will be ready in January 2021. Final versions and sign off is expected in February 2021.
- Journalistic Portraits
During the field visits the consultant will identify approx. 10 journalistic portraits, which can be used for printed and electronic media and donors. The journalistic portraits will be delivered as short portraits in Danish (approx. 150 words) and supplemented with high-quality photos for illustrations. List of potential interview persons will be developed jointly with the board of Carrot Aid but could include; female farmers, health personnel, blind people, children etc.
Deliverables: Minimum 10 journalistic portraits with high-quality photos. The consultant is expected to spend 3 working days on this assignment. Timeline: First draft of portraits will be ready by January 2021. Final portraits and sign off is expected in February 2021.
The assignment is expected to start in September 2020 and final deliverables are expected in February 2021. The consultant will be responsible for organizing the interviews in Addis Ababa and field visits taking the current Ethiopian State of Emergency (SoE) and COVID-19 restrictions into consideration. The field visits must thus be kept flexible, which potentially can impact the above deadlines.
The daily rate for the consultant is DKK 4.000 and it is estimated that the assignment can be carried out in 19 working days at the total cost of DKK 76.000. Interpretation during the fieldtrip (8 working days incl. preparation and transport) is estimated at the total cost of DKK 12.000. Local transport and accommodation in the Amhara Region for 8 days / 7 nights is estimated at the total cost of DKK 9.000 for the consultant, Interpreter and driver. The total costs for the assignments will thus be 97.000 DKK. Policy Advice is registered in Denmark and taxable according to Danish tax laws. This assignment is exempt from Danish VAT, since the work is carried out outside the EU.
Carrot Aid Pilot Project on blindness 2020: an interview guide
Carrot Aid Pilot Project on blindness 2020: an interview guide
App. 10 health professionals og 10 community leaders. Preferably 3-4 different sites. Futher app. 20 interviews with local women
This interview is because we want to help….. so we will ask some questions about….
- Could you tell me a little about your job and your responsibility
How long have you worked here?
- Region, village, language?
- How far is the nearest Health Post from the village ?
- Number of inhabitants in the village?
- Number of children in the village?
Night blindness
- Do you experience that night blindness is a problem in the village?
- How many children are affected by blindness in the village?
- How does it show?
– What are the consequences of blindness on their health?
– How many mothers have a form of blindness?
- What are the consequences for everyday life including social
activites, school and work?
- Are they taken care of by their family and how ?
- Are they sometimes abandoned and if so why?
- Can a child die because of lack of care?
- How old are they when they die?
- Describe a day for one blind child in the village
Treatment/Healthcare access
- What are the explanations for (night)blindness in the community?
- Who provides care for blind children and adults in the community?
– Is a child getting any kind of medical treatment?
– Are the health personel aware of Vitamin-A deficiency?
- Do locals grow vegetables? Carrots?
- Do they eat them on an everyday basis?
- Is the health personel aware of Vitamin-A deficiency?
– Are the health personel aware of how important vegetables
especially carrots are for preventing blindness?
– Does the village/single persons have kitchen gardens?
– Are they eating vegetables – what kind?
– Are they buying vegetables and if so what kind?
- Can you tell me something about where you live and about your work?
- How many children do you have?
Night blindness
- Do you know anyone who is blind? Or night blind?
- Does anyone of your children or close famliy have blindness?
- What are the consequences of their blindness to their health?
- Do you know why they are blind?
Social consequences
– Are children with blindness attending school?
– Are they taken care of by their family and how or are they abandoned if the
the blindness is total?
– Can a child die because of lack of care?
– How old are they when they die?
– Describe a day for one blind child in the village
– Do you know someone with blindness in the village and how she/he
Treatment/Healthcare access
- Do you see a doctor because of the blindness?
- If yes where and what does he or she recommends?
- If not why not?
– Are you getting any kind of medical treatment?
- Do you eat vegetables?
- What vegetables do you eat?
- Do you have a kitchen garden?
København September 2020