Projekt 3: Manualer for gulerodsdyrkning
[English text below]
Manual for gulerodsdyrkning
Som et led i processen har Carrot Aid desuden bekostet en manual for gulerodsdyrkning, som er udarbejdet af de samme eksperter fra landbrugsministeriet. Den er henvendt til de etiopiske bønder og er derfor, ud over engelsk, trykt på tre af de dialekter, der tales i rundt om landet, og den er nu distribueret til samtlige de zoner, hvor gulerodsdyrkning er mulig. Det er en lamineret tryksag, som er sendt ud til landbrugskonsulenterne de pågældende steder, så disse kan videregive oplysningerne til bønderne, som ikke i alle tilfælde er i stand til at læse indholdet selv. Se Getachew Tabor & Mohammed Yesuf: Production Manual of Carrots (2013).
Production Manual of Carrots
Project 3: Production and distribution of a user guide for carrot cultivation in Ethiopia
Project status: Completed
- Problem statement
Carrots cultivation is not particularly widespread in Ethiopia, and knowledge of optimal horticultural techniques is difficult for farmers to access.
- Boundaries, beyond which the investigation should not go.
Information sheets should only be distributed to Woredas with climates that are suitable for carrot cultivation. 5 copies should be sent up to the weight limit for an envelope.
- Specific issues to be addressed
Soil preparation.
Optimal sowing times and techniques.
Thinning to improve crop yields.
Pest control.
- Desired outcomes/outputs
Laminated A4 sheets describing the optimal techniques to be employed to grow carrots in Ethiopia, distributed to each of the relevant Woreda agricultural offices by post.
Information sheet to originally be prepared in English and then translated into other languages (Amharic, Oromigna, Tigrigna). Each language to have its own typeset and be separately translated.
The information sheet to contain good quality photos;
- Double face laminated A4 for durability to users
- Good quality text in local languages (Amharic, Oromigna, Tigrigna)
- Colour photos for extended use as a field guide and also as a mini poster